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How to Deal With a Tooth Sensitive to Cold: Remedies and Treatments

Amanda Dexter
Amanda Dexter
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If you have felt a sharp pain or a dull ache in your teeth when you eat something cold like ice cream, then you may have a tooth sensitive to cold

Experiencing pain or discomfort like this when eating or drinking some of your favourite treats can be really upsetting and even get in the way of everyday life, but it doesn't have to. 

So what causes your teeth to feel sensitive to cold and what can you do about it? We discuss reasons you might have a tooth sensitive to cold and answer the following questions:

  • Why are my teeth sensitive to cold?
  • Is it normal to have a tooth sensitive to cold after a filling?
  • What remedies are there for treating sensitivity to cold?
  • Can you get treated professionally for sensitive teeth?

Let’s start with the reason your teeth may be sensitive to cold drinks and food, so you can find a suitable remedy or treatment. 

Why are your teeth sensitive to cold? 

You might have teeth sensitive to cold for a multitude of reasons, all of which allow triggers to permeate the protective enamel layer of your teeth and irritate the sensitive areas beneath.

tooth sensitive to cold
Teeth can be sensitive to cold, heat, sugar, and acidic foods

Triggers are things like hot or cold foods, such as ice cream or coffee, or acidic, sugary or intensely flavoured foods and drinks. Teeth whitening treatments can also trigger teeth sensitivity because you are applying something acidic (peroxides) to your teeth. 

This study found that cold drinks were one of the most common triggers for sensitive teeth and that the first molars and premolars were most commonly affected.

The reason that cold and other triggers can permeate the protective enamel layer is that it is compromised somehow. Here are a few reasons your teeth and gums may be compromised and causing teeth sensitivity:

  • Worn or thinning enamel 
  • Tooth decay and cavities
  • Brushing your teeth too hard
  • A damaged or old filling 
  • Recent dental work
  • Teeth whitening treatments
  • Gum disease which is causing receding gums exposing tooth roots (that have no enamel layer)
  • Age-related gum disease 
  • Teeth grinding that is wearing down or causing micro-fractures in your enamel
  • Ill-fitting crown or onlay 
  • Pregnancy

So what can you do to help with these problems? Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is a start, but let's jump in with what else you can do. 

What can you do about a tooth sensitive to cold?

As mentioned above, the first step is to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. This includes making sure to properly brush and floss your teeth the recommended twice a day.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles

Use a sensitive toothbrush when brushing your teeth. This can be a manual toothbrush or an electric one. Either way, make sure it has soft, gentle bristles.

If an electric toothbrush is an option for you, then look for one that has pressure sensors and a timer. This will let you know if you are brushing too hard or for too long. These types of electric toothbrushes will usually have specific settings for sensitive teeth as well.  

You can use sensitive toothpaste specifically designed to help with teeth that are sensitive. These types of toothpaste will contain fluoride or other ingredients to help remineralise your enamel and desensitise your teeth. 

There are a lot of different options out there depending on what you are looking for, so if you are interested in knowing more you can read our article on the best kinds of toothpaste for sensitive teeth here

Other products such as sensitive mouthwash and serums can also help tackle sensitive teeth and protect against triggers such as cold and hot food and drinks. If you find that you have tried out a lot of different remedies and products, then it may be time to consult your dentist. 

It’s also important to note that if the pain is intense or unbearable, or lasts for weeks at a time, you should definitely make a dental appointment. Maybe you have an underlying issue that needs addressing. 

What treatments are available for teeth sensitive to cold?

If you are struggling with teeth sensitive to cold and have tried all the products available on the market with no luck, then your dentist should be able to help. Depending on the cause of your sensitive teeth, your dentist will choose a suitable treatment.

This may include prescription high-fluoride toothpaste or fluoride varnish. Or maybe you need a root canal or restorative treatment such as a crown to help protect a damaged tooth. 

Whatever your dentist suggests, make sure you still try to maintain a good oral hygiene routine alongside treatment. 

Enjoy ice-cold drinks again!


If you have a tooth sensitive to cold don’t worry, there are plenty of products out there to help you tackle the problem. Avoiding cold foods and drinks in the meantime can help you avoid pain, but it’s not a long-term solution. 

You can try using kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes designed specifically for treating sensitive teeth. Ones that help to strengthen and remineralise enamel will also help to protect the sensitive layers of your teeth better. 

Ideally, having a good oral hygiene routine and adding in products that help treat sensitivity would be enough. However, sometimes, you may need to discuss alternative options with your dentist. Maybe you have underlying dental issues that need to be resolved.

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