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Snap-in Dentures vs Permanent Dentures: Where and How to Get Them

Natalie Asmussen
Natalie Asmussen
Medically reviewed by
Sandra Serrano Pardo, DMD
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If you have missing teeth, it's important to replace them for your oral and overall health. Thankfully, you can do this through snap-in dentures. But how do you know if this is the best teeth replacement option for you, and where can you find them at an affordable price?

In this article, we'll take a closer look at some important information about snap-in dentures including:

We hope this information helps you make the best decision for your oral health.

If you want to find a dentist for snap-in dentures right now, but you need a little help, you can call 866-383-0748. You'll be connected with a live operator who will be able to connect you with a prosthodontist in your area.

Do you have missing teeth? Find a dentist available now for snap-in dentures near you.

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What are Snap-in denture implants?

Snap-in denture implants are a type of false teeth that are secured in your mouth with dental implants. They are less expensive than dental implants, and more expensive than dentures.

implants dentures
Wondering about snap-on dentures?

For the purposes of this article, we will mostly refer to them as both snap-in dentures and snap-on dentures, but they are also called snap-on denture implants, denture implants, dentures with implants, screw-in dentures, implant dentures, implant-retained dentures, and clip-in dentures.

They can require as few as two dental implants, and if your bone isn't strong enough for standard implants, in many instances, mini implants can be substituted.

This type of denture is considered to be a better tooth replacement option than standard dentures that use adhesive to stay in your mouth, and a much better tooth replacement option than purely cosmetic products like clip-on veneers (although clip-on veneers should hardly be considered a tooth replacement option).

However, the fact that they involve implants and surgery also makes them a more expensive option. They are, however, cheaper than a full mouth of implants, or even All-on-4s, making them a sort of middle-of-the-road option for people with missing teeth.

How do snap-in dentures work?

implant dentures
These dentures use implants

First, you get dental implants placed in your upper or lower jaw, or both, if you need a full set of false teeth. Then, you ‘snap-in' your snap-in dentures which are held in place by the implants.

You can eat and drink with your overdentures, but they typically need to be taken out at night.

Snap-in dentures vs permanent dentures

It's easy to get the two confused but there are some key differences between snap-on denture implants and permanent or fixed dentures. Permanent dentures also require implants to be placed in your jaw.

Your dentures are then fitted over your implants. They differ from snap-on dentures implants in that you can't remove them by yourself, instead, a dentist will remove them for you if they need to be repaired, replaced, or cleaned.

You may have heard of All-on-4s as a teeth replacement option. This is also a type of permanent denture. If you're interested in learning more about this option, you can read our full All-on-4s guide.

Snap-in denture implants, just like permanent dentures, also use implants with dentures for stabilization. They can be worn all day and while eating and drinking, but then they must be taken out at night.

Snap-in denture implants vs standard false teeth

When considering the options for restoring your smile, you'll find a wide range of possibilities and a wide range of prices.

On one end of the spectrum, you'll have options that are mostly cosmetic, and on the other end, you'll find options that closely mimic what it's like to have natural teeth. You'll also find that the cosmetic options are usually a lot cheaper than the options that are both cosmetic and functional.

The mostly cosmetic, cheaper side includes things like clip-on veneers, which clip on over your natural teeth, improving the look of your smile.

On the other end of the spectrum, you've got dental implants, which consist of a screw that is implanted into your jawbone that takes the place of a tooth root. And then on top of that is an abutment and a crown that attaches to the abutment and replaces the visible part of the tooth.

snap-in dentures vs dentures
Regular dentures don't stop bone loss

Snap-on denture implants fall somewhere on the implants side of the spectrum because while they aren't as stable and permanent a solution as a full mouth of dental implants, they are considered to be a much better solution than a purely aesthetic option. As implants, snap-on dentures help prevent bone loss, which is imperative for retention and stability.

Standard dentures don't involve implants and are secured in your mouth usually with adhesive.

If they are good quality, they can help you speak and eat mostly like you would with natural teeth, so they are better than a purely aesthetic option, but they aren't as good as implants.

One important thing to consider when making your decision about what type of denture to choose is the chewing functionality. Dentures must be extremely stable in order to handle chewing. Problems chewing can negatively impact your health in terms of nutrition.

This study compares chewing effectiveness between conventional dentures and implant dentures. Implant-based dentures decreased the amount of chew time by half compared to conventional dentures. Additionally, implant-based dentures exhibited a major bite force. In that context, both implant-retained dentures and implant-supported denture options are considered better than removable dentures that use adhesive to stay in your mouth.

Implant retained vs implant-supported dentures

Implant retained dentures include snap-on dentures; they require as few as two implants, which can also be mini implants and help with eating and speaking in a more natural manner while stopping some of the bone loss that can happen with missing teeth.

Implant-supported dentures generally require more implants, which absorb some of your bite impact for a stronger bite. These are better at stopping bone loss than implant-retained dentures and are also more expensive. All-on-4 implants are one example of this.

Snap-on dentures pros and cons

To help decide if this is a good option for you, check out these pros and cons provided by the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation:


  • Helps regain proper speaking and eating capabilities
  • More stable than standard dentures
  • Better aesthetics than standard dentures
  • Implants help stop the deterioration of the jawbone
  • Require fewer implants compared to fixed implant-supported complete dentures


  • One of the more expensive teeth-replacement options
  • Surgery involved
  • Slow rehabilitation process compared to conventional dentures
  • Not as good a solution as All-on-4 implants or standard dental implants

Snap-on denture procedure

  • Your dentist will determine if your jawbone is strong enough to support implants. If not, you will first need to get a bone graft, and your gums will need to heal.
  • Your oral surgeon or periodontist will insert the implants into the jawbone. This is a surgical procedure.
  • The healing process will last for the next two to six months, as the bone grows around your implants so they are secure. You can wear immediate dentures at this time
  • A second surgery may be necessary in order for a locator to be attached to the implants. The locator is the base for your overdentures.
  • After you heal from the second surgery (normally a two-week period) you can then get your snap-on dentures.

Cost of snap-in dentures

Snap-in dentures cost in the US anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000. The range is so wide because the price depends on how many implants you need, the materials used, and of course which clinic you go to.

But whether you have to pay closer to $1,000 or $10,000, it can be a hefty price that most Americans will have trouble funding.

Thankfully, there are dental insurance plans available that offer coverage for restorative dental services like snap-on dentures. Some plans can cover up to 50% of your procedure, while with others you pay a fixed copay and the insurance covers the rest.

We know that dental insurance can be expensive and it can also be difficult to know which plan to choose.

But we are here for you — we've created a special comparison tool that shows you the top plans in your area to help guide you in your decision.

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Alternatively, many people opt to get their snap-on denture implants abroad in places like Mexico, because standards of care there are just as high as in the United States, and prices are much lower since the cost of living is so much lower. To find out more about this option, you can read our article dedicated to dental tourism.

If dental tourism interests you, you can get help finding a quality clinic in the country of your choice. MTC has many years of experience finding reputable clinics abroad. Just fill in your details below to get started and get your free quote.

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If you want to get a close estimate of the snap-on dentures cost in your area, you can call 866-383-0748 to connect with a dentist near you.

Loans for snap-in dentures

If dental insurance isn't an option, another way to pay for your snap-on dentures is by taking out a dental loan. With a dental loan, you can get the money you need to pay for treatment upfront, and then pay it back in installments over time.

You can read more about how to do this, along with the pros and cons, in our loan article here. If you're ready to look at your loan options, SuperMoney can help you search, compare and choose loans.

Snap-in dentures reviews

“Nobody wants to be without teeth”

Jorene lost her front tooth by accident. The dentist put it back, but it only stayed in place for a short time. As a result of this, she got dentures but wasn't happy with her upper denture because it was not staying in place and constantly had sore spots.

The problem was that her maxilla was very atrophic, which means it had lost a lot of bone. Her teeth had been out for a long time, which can be a problem because dentists need both quality and quantity of bone when they place implants. She finally got snap-in dentures so that she could wear them, and she was happy with the results. Nine years after getting her snap-in dentures, she is doing great and everything is in place.

Jorene Snap In Dentures Dr Campus

“Oh, I'm happy!”

Kelly had been wearing dentures since the painkillers she was taking for her back adversely affected her teeth. She was looking for a better way to hold her dentures in place because she didn't like the basic glues that were being used.

She looked into snap-in dentures and decided to get the procedure done. She had 16 implants placed to securely snap her new dentures in place. Kelly is so happy with her snap-in dentures because she can now eat lacking having to deal with sticky glues.

Get inspired by Kelly's amazing journey to affordable and high-quality Snap-In Dentures, as she shares her experience and review of Dr. German Arzate's expertise. Kelly had been wearing dentures after her teeth were affected by medicine she was taking for a back injury. She was unhappy with the basic glues used to keep the dentures in place and was looking for a solution. After researching doctors and procedures, she found a client who had snap-in dentures and decided to undergo the procedure herself. Six days ago, she had 16 implants placed to securely snap her new dentures in place. Kelly is thrilled with her new dentures and the ability to eat without messy glues. She can’t wait to go home and eat with her new teeth. Call Toll-Free from USA and Canada: 1 800 701 6039. Kelly decided to travel on her own to Cancun because it was time for a change. She found the most professional service with our Implant Experts! Subscribe 👉👉 Check more reviews at: #germanarzatereview #SnapDentures #SnapWeek #dentalTourism #SnapOnSmile #SnapOnSmileVeneers Snap in Dentures The best denture option! Start a new life experience today. With Snap in Dentures you will get a strong steady bite and an amazing, secure and confident new smile! You won’t have to hide your teeth anymore. Smile proud and openly! Get in touch with us so we can look at your x-rays and give you a FREE EVALUATION. Get a makeover smile with Snap in Dentures and mini implant technology at our dental clinic in Cancun Mexico and save up to 70%. Become one of the hundreds of patients who are experiencing the joy of speaking, laughing, eating and smiling without worrying with their new Snap in Dentures! Dental implants are the most comfortable and effective way to replace those losing teeth with surgery and are so realistic that no one’s will note the difference. The materials we handle are specially designed to adapt to bone and these do not affect the human body. The screws are made of titanium and will be inserted through surgery in the upper or lower jaw, and will act as a base to hold the new denture. Snap on Smile Veneers or a Complete Smile Makeover – Dr. Arzate explains about veneer snap on smile photos. One of the most asked question we get is what’s the procedure to get mini implant snap in dentures? We will explain this clearly so you can start making a decision about whether or not you want to have a nice smile again while you relax in sunny Cancun. Snap in Dentures is an amazing solution for edentulous people that are looking for an affordable denture implant alternative. They might be asking themselves where to get dental implants but regular dental implants can only do so much and more advanced techniques are usually too expensive in USA. With Snap in Dentures we have come a long way from the first models of implant dentures. Doctor German Arzate has improved those versions, leaving behind 2 or 4 dental implant removable dentures, settling down on 8 mini implants per arch. But why did Doctor German Arzate preferred to use 8 mini implants? Mini Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically placed or implanted in the jawbone to help as artificial roots for crowns, dentures, and bridges. Mini implants are similar, except the titanium posts are quite a bit smaller (perfect for people with narrow bone), and can be placed and restored in just eight days while you enjoy Cancun. Additionally besides providing a strong base for your dentures, mini implants also serve to help your jaw retain bone density and avoid bone loss. The mini dental implants stimulate the bone when you bite and chew, similar to the way natural tooth roots function, and prevent the loss of bone mass that can result from missing teeth. In the end, Snap in Dentures will help you restore your smile, regain your confidence as well as a strong bite. The best thing is that it only needs about 8 days to be finished and return home to your every day routine.

“I love my teeth, I'm glad I made this decision”

Danny from Oklahoma talks about his experience with snap-in dentures and how happy he is with how natural they feel and how well they work for eating.

He was astonished by the outcomes of the snap-in dentures that were fitted after his teeth were extracted, and he had very little discomfort during the process. He experienced a little soreness after the procedure, but he did not need to use pain medication.

💖 Our Patients love their new smiles! 🌟 Danny, from Oklahoma, is so happy with his Snap in Dentures because they feel like real teeth! Just like him, you can meet the heroes of our dental stories in our hundreds of testimonial videos. Beyond the gleaming smiles, they saved big on dental treatments that surpassed expectations. Cancun became more than a destination; it became the place where dreams of affordable, top-tier dentistry came true. Subscribe: Contact us today and unlock the door to unrivaled dental excellence! More info at our Website Follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA for SPECIAL PROMOS You can call us NOW 1-800-565-1424 (toll-free) #dentist #cancun #dentaltourism #dentistry #germanarzate Danny from Oklahoma shares his experience with snap-in dentures, expressing his satisfaction with how natural they feel and how seamlessly they function with eating. He found Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry online and was impressed by the positive reviews, leading him to choose them for his treatment. After having his teeth removed and the snap-in dentures fitted, he was amazed by the results and experienced minimal pain during the process. He highly recommends the cosmetic dentistry clinic for their caring and attentive staff. Revitalize Your Smile with Snap-in Dentures – Embrace Confidence! Bid farewell to the frustrations of traditional dentures and welcome a new, confident you with Snap-in Dentures. Experience the remarkable benefits, from a secure bite to a radiant smile. No more hiding your teeth – contact us for a complimentary evaluation based on your x-rays and discover the incredible advantages awaiting you. Cutting-Edge Dentistry in Cancun – Transform Your Smile with Snap-in Dentures! At our Cancun dental clinic, we combine Snap-in Dentures with state-of-the-art mini implant technology, allowing you to save up to 70%. Join countless satisfied patients who now enjoy speaking, laughing, eating, and smiling with absolute freedom, all thanks to their new Snap-in Dentures! Say Goodbye to Missing Teeth Woes – Welcome Dental Implant Comfort! Experience the comfort and effectiveness of dental implants at our clinic. Our biocompatible, bone-friendly materials, including titanium screws acting as anchors, provide a secure foundation for your new denture. Snap-on Smile Veneers – Discover the Power of Smile Makeovers! Dr. Arzate will guide you through the advantages of Snap-on Smile Veneers and complete smile makeovers, showcasing stunning photos highlighting the transformative power of these treatments. Danny from Oklahoma raves about his snap-in dentures, likening them to his real teeth 🦷 He found Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry online and chose them for their positive reviews and reputation 💻 Following the removal of his teeth and the fitting of the snap-in dentures, he was amazed by the results and experienced minimal pain 🌟 The staff at the clinic was extremely caring and attentive, providing top-notch care throughout the process 💙 Overall, Danny highly recommends Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry for anyone considering snap-in dentures or other cosmetic dental procedures 👍 Demystifying Mini Implant Snap-in Dentures – Your Smile Restoration Guide! Curious about the procedure for mini implant snap-in dentures? Allow us to provide a clear explanation, empowering you to make informed decisions about restoring your beautiful smile while enjoying the sunny ambiance of Cancun. Affordable and Advanced – Snap-in Dentures in Cancun with Dr. German Arzate! Seeking an affordable alternative to traditional dentures? Discover Snap-in Dentures under the expertise of Dr. German Arzate, who utilizes 8 mini implants per arch, surpassing conventional options and enhancing the entire denture implant experience. The Why Behind 8 Mini Implants – Dr. German Arzate's Approach! Ever wondered why Dr. German Arzate chose 8 mini implants? Mini Dental Implants act as artificial roots and are especially suitable for those with narrow bone structures. Under Dr. Arzate's expertise, this approach ensures a swift process – placed and restored within just eight days, allowing you to savor your time in Cancun. Beyond Stability – Mini Implants for Bone Density and Your Smile! Discover how mini implants contribute to maintaining bone density and preventing bone loss. Simulating the natural function of tooth roots during biting and chewing, they effectively avert the loss of bone mass associated with missing teeth. Snap-in Dentures restore your smile, boost your confidence, and deliver a powerful bite in approximately 8 days.

Have a look at the following table for a summary of the pros and cons of snap-on dentures versus other kinds of smile restoration options.



Less expensive than full implants

More expensive than purely cosmetic options

Helps reduce loss of jawbone

Aren't as good as normal implants in stopping bone loss

Helps regain normal speech

Not as strong as normal implants

Can eat mostly normal diet


If you have missing teeth, it's important for your oral health and your overall health that you get them replaced. The best way to get teeth replaced is with dental implants, but these are out of the price range for many people.

You may want to consider dental financing options, like dental insurance, which you can search for at Alternatively, another, more affordable option is snap-on dentures, which, according to dentists, aren't as good of an option as normal implants, but are a much better option than superficial smile replacements like standard adhesive dentures, which over time slip and may not fit like they should, and a much better option than clip-on veneers.

You and your dentist will have to decide which is the best option for you, based on what you are able to afford. Remember, oftentimes an investment in your oral health is an investment in your overall health.

If you need help finding a dentist who offers snap-on dentures, you can call 866-383-0748 to be connected with a live operator who will put you through to a prosthodontist near you. If you still have some questions and you want to talk to a dentist online, find out more about teledentistry and online dentist appointments.

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Click here to get connected or call 866-383-0748 (toll-free, 24/7)

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How much do implant-supported dentures cost?

Snap-on dentures can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 in the US, depending on how many implants you get and where you go. You may be able to finance them in various ways.

One of the best financing options is just to ask your dentist about payment plans, so you can spread your payments out over time. You may also want to consider dental tourism, but you need to make sure to find a trustworthy overseas dentist if you choose that option.

What are denture implants?

Denture implants are overdentures that are kept in place with implants. There are two kinds of denture implants: Implant-retained dentures and implant-supported dentures. Implant-retained dentures require as few as two implants per jaw.

They can be used for talking or eating, and improve bite force, but aren't the best replacement for a natural bite. These are meant to be taken out after eating. Snap-on dentures are an example of implant retained dentures.

Implant-supported dentures generally involve more implants and thus take the force of your bite off of your gums, and direct it into your implants, much like with natural tooth roots. These are normally not meant to be taken out at night. All-on-4 implants are an example of implant-supported dentures.

Are snap-on dentures worth it?

You'll need to speak with your dentist about your oral health needs and your budget. Snap-on dentures aren't as good as regular dental implants, but they are better than nothing.

They also usually tend to be a better option than dentures that aren't secured by implants, and for many people, they are more affordable.

3 Ways To Finance Dental Work That Aren’t Insurance

Snap-in Dentures vs Permanent Dentures: Where and How to Get Them
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