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What Can You Eat with Braces The First Week? Best Meals & Snacks

Simon Frers
Simon Frers
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If you're considering braces or have already decided to fix your smile (congrats!), you're likely wondering: “What foods can you eat with braces?

The good news is that you can eat and enjoy a variety of “braces-friendly” meals during your orthodontics treatment. Yes, there are certain foods you must avoid as well. But, isn't it worth it to have a beautiful, confident smile, even if you have to give up certain foods for a while?

In this article, we’ll cover the following:

  • What to eat with braces the first week?
  • What to eat with braces on in general
  • Top foods and snacks with serving suggestions

We hope you'll take advantage of reading this article to learn about what you can eat with braces.

What to eat with braces the first week

what can I eat with braces
Are you wondering what you can eat with braces on your first day?

The first few days are the most difficult. When you get braces, your mouth is likely to be sensitive in the days after your first appointment, which is why you should eat soft foods at first. When in doubt, go for something easy to chew. 

Here are some great foods to eat with braces the first week:

  • Yogurt
  • Bananas
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soups
  • Pasta
  • Oatmeal
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Soft vegetables
  • Seafood
  • Soft cheese

If your teeth are very sensitive, and these foods still make your teeth uncomfortable, you can try the following foods and drinks, as they are even easier to consume:

  • Smoothies
  • Protein shakes
  • Milkshakes

In addition to the foods that you can eat the first day or the first week after getting braces, we’ll now go over a more comprehensive list.

What can you eat with braces?

what can I eat with braces
What foods can you eat with braces? Are apples an option?

To ensure your treatment goes as well as possible, you'll want to stick to soft foods at first, and gradually introduce harder foods. Hard candies, caramels, and whole apples should be avoided. Chips should also be avoided with braces.

Here’s a list of the best foods to eat with braces:

  • Dairy products: Yogurt, as well as other soft dairy items such as cheeses, will become your best friend when you wear braces.
  • Vegetables: Many vegetables make fantastic options. However, most vegetables must be cooked before consumption to ensure that you can chew them without difficulty.
  • Soft fruits: Bananas, oranges, grapefruits, and other soft fruits may be a tasty, convenient, and healthy option.
  • Seafood: Tuna, salmon, and a variety of other seafood are excellent sources of protein that don't easily get stuck between your braces.
  • Eggs: Eggs can be cooked whatever way you choose, and they'll still be convenient to consume!
  • Breads and cakes: Soft bread can also be a delicious choice. Some good examples are muffins, biscuits, soft tortillas, and pancakes.
  • Grains: Spaghetti, noodles, as well as soft-cooked rice also make good options.

What snacks can you eat with braces?

There are many delicious snacks you can try, like sliced (or diced) fruits such as banana, watermelon, mango, applesauce, and small berries such as blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

You can also snack on bite-sized bits of cheese, and make tasty and healthy snacks you can munch on.

Afternoon snacks include puddings, Jello, baked chips, and muffins. Ice cream, of course, is a great alternative for hurting teeth (just remember to brush your teeth after!).

There's also some candy you can enjoy, according to the AAO (American Association of Orthodontists). This includes soft cookies and chocolate (make sure it doesn't have nuts or caramel!). Just brush and water floss afterward.

Meal ideas

If you still haven’t found what you're looking for, then here are some more ideas:

things to eat with braces
What are the best foods to eat?
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Soup with soft vegetables
  • Pasta and noodles
  • Soft cooked rice
  • Soft tortilla shells
  • Chicken noodle soup
  • Soft-cooked ground meat
  • Quinoa
  • Egg salad
  • Tuna salad
  • Steamed and cooked vegetables
  • Cooked beans
  • Oatmeal
  • French toast
  • Cottage cheese
  • Cooked fruit
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Pancakes
  • Yogurt
  • Soft bread sandwich
  • Tofu
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Cooked tempeh
  • Couscous
  • Avocado

Youtube video: What to eat with braces the first week?

If you’re still unsure what to eat with braces your first week, then watch this video from Emma Louise. She will give you some great ideas.


Although the first few weeks with your new braces will undoubtedly be difficult, there's no need to go hungry. There are plenty of delicious foods you can eat with braces.

You can also ask your orthodontist if there are certain meals that will help you get through the first few weeks of braces. And things will improve quickly! You'll be able to eat and enjoy most of your favorite dishes in no time.

What Can You Eat with Braces The First Week? Best Meals & Snacks
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Sources What candy can you eat with braces. Consulted 6th June 2022.