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Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth? Here’s How to Prevent Teeth Staining From Coffee

Simon Frers
Simon Frers
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If you’re a coffee drinker, you might be wondering how to prevent teeth staining from coffee.

Coffee is consumed by millions of people every day all around the globe. Due to its widespread popularity, many coffee drinkers are surprised to learn that coffee stains teeth. Unfortunately, this is true. Coffee includes tannins, which may stain your teeth and make your smile seem dull.

But there’s hope! To maintain your teeth, you don't have to give up your daily cup of coffee. There are some effective methods to remove coffee teeth stains, and get back your beautiful white smile.

Continue reading to learn how to avoid tooth stains while still enjoying your favorite caffeinated drink.

Why does coffee stain your teeth?

Tannins are organic substances found in coffee. They add to the coffee's bitter flavor and dry mouthfeel. These are antioxidants with some health advantages, but they're also the reason for coffee-stained teeth and black stains on teeth.

Your teeth enamel is the strongest material in the human body, although it does contain little pores. When you drink coffee, the tannins in the brew penetrate the pores and leave deep stains. Because coffee is acidic, it may wear away the enamel over time, resulting in additional stains.

Black tea and red wine are two other liquids that contain tooth-staining tannins. Many teas contain roughly twice as many tannins as coffee!

coffee stained teeth
Does coffee stain your teeth?

It's not all terrible news. Because coffee is less acidic than certain other beverages, such as soft drinks and some fruit juices, it's not the worst option for a morning wake-up drink. It's also high in antioxidants, which offers a variety of health advantages, including the prevention of gum disease and the maintenance of healthy teeth.

Can’t give up on coffee? Here’s how to drink coffee without staining teeth:

Eat and drink at the same time

The saliva in your mouth is activated when you eat anything. Drink your coffee while munching on a snack or drinking it with a meal. Your saliva may help wash out the tannins in your coffee this way.

If you eat apples, pears, cucumbers, or celery, it's even better. While you consume these fruits and vegetables, they clean your teeth.

Brush and floss your teeth immediately after drinking coffee

There are tiny indentations and ridges in your tooth enamel (the hard surface on the exterior of your teeth). The black pigments in your coffee eventually settle onto the surface of your teeth, leaving a stain.

The simplest approach to avoiding coffee stains from settling into these tiny pores is to brush and floss right away. Plaque bacteria that cause discoloration and decay are also removed. So, if you're able, give your teeth a brief brush after each cup.

Rinse your mouth if you can't brush

coffee stains on teeth
How to drink coffee without staining teeth?

You may not be able to brush your teeth if you're sipping coffee on the fly. Swish water around in your mouth in this situation. Rinsing your mouth is a simple and effective way to keep your teeth healthy. It would be even better if you could rinse it with mouthwash.

Use a straw to drink coffee

Using a straw to drink coffee is the best method to avoid coffee coming into direct contact with your teeth. If you like coffee, try to get a straw. However, consider buying a reusable straw. Your coffee consumption will have a lower environmental effect as a result of this.

Drink water with coffee

Drinking a glass of water with your cup of coffee helps to reduce the amount of time your teeth are in contact with the coffee. While drinking coffee, sip water to help flush the coffee out of your mouth and clean your teeth. If you drink a sweet coffee beverage, it will also help with removing sugar from your teeth that may cause plaque.

Drink it quickly

Most coffee lovers like to relish their morning cup and even linger for a long period of time with their coffee next to them. However, if you want to keep your teeth white, this is perhaps the worst thing you can do.

Keep in mind that the shorter the time coffee spends on your teeth, the better. So limit yourself to a cup of coffee during your break. After that, immediately rinse and/or brush.

Adding cream isn't always the best option

To lighten the color of your coffee, some people, typically non-dental professionals, recommend adding milk or cream. They believe that by lightening the color of your coffee, you may be able to prevent teeth staining from coffee. This way of thinking is incorrect for two reasons.

First off, adding cream to your coffee will not reduce its tannin content. Whether your coffee is white or black has no impact on the intensity of staining. It depends on the amount of tannins contained, and adding milk has no effect on the tannin level.

Secondly, adding cream raises the sugar level of your coffee since milk contains sugar. These substances may cause plaque to build upon your teeth. Plaque coats your teeth, making them sticky and providing tannins with a place to cling to.

remove coffee stains from teeth
If you have coffee stained teeth, here is how to remove the stains and avoid getting yellow teeth again.

How to remove coffee stains from teeth

You might be wondering how to get rid of coffee stains on teeth quickly. There are several methods available.

If you already have coffee teeth stains, whitening procedures may help you get back to having a bright white smile. You may use over-the-counter whitening solutions or see your dentist for a professional whitening treatment.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products

Two popular and widely accessible over-the-counter solutions are bleach strips and whitening toothpaste. These solutions remove stains by brightening teeth using bleaching substances.

Over-the-counter whitening treatments are widely available and inexpensive. For many individuals, this makes them their first choice.

Get a professional whitening treatment

Going for a professional in-office whitening treatment at your dentist is much more effective and long-lasting than at-home alternatives.

Professional teeth whitening procedures often involve the application of whitening gels to your teeth in a custom-fit tray. Your dentist may also use an LED light to speed up the whitening process. This method is incredibly good at removing even the most stubborn coffee stains!

Invest in an electric or ultrasonic toothbrush

With an electric toothbrush, you can take your teeth brushing to the next level. Electric toothbrushes allow you to brush for extended periods of time without tiring your arms or hands. They're fantastic at eliminating stains and cleaning thoroughly.


Yes, coffee does stain your teeth, but there is some good news too. As a coffee lover, you don’t have to quit drinking your favorite beverage. Black tea, soda, and dark juice all stain your teeth.

is coffee bad for teeth
How to avoid coffee stains on teeth?

Limit your coffee consumption and consider these tips on how to drink coffee without staining your teeth.

Make an appointment with your dentist for a check-up and cleaning at least twice a year. Also, if necessary, arrange a professional teeth whitening procedure to ensure that your teeth remain free of coffee stains.

If you're interested in reading more about what foods and drinks can stain your teeth check out our guide to turmeric teeth staining, and teeth staining from tea.


Should you brush your teeth before or after coffee?

According to dental experts, brushing BEFORE you drink coffee is better than after. Because brushing removes the plaque coating on your teeth, tannins will less likely find a place to cling to.

Is coffee bad for your teeth?

Coffee has some health advantages. However, because it's highly acidic and contains tannins, drinking a lot of it may damage your enamel, which then can lead to coffee stains on your teeth.

How do I remove coffee stains from teeth quickly?

To remove coffee stains from teeth quickly, schedule a professional stain removal and teeth whitening procedure with your dentist, or buy an effective over-the-counter whitening solution.

If I stop drinking coffee will my teeth get whiter?

Yes, if you quit drinking coffee, it will have a positive impact on your teeth color. Keep in mind that coffee isn't the only cause of yellow teeth, and other foods might be even more harmful.

Is black coffee bad for your teeth?

If you consume a lot of coffee, you may see yellow stains on your teeth. Experts claim, however, that white coffee with cream added has the same staining effect on teeth as black coffee.

Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth? Here’s How to Prevent Teeth Staining From Coffee
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Sources When Is the Best Time to Brush Your Teeth After Drinking Coffee? Consulted 3rd January 2022 What Works Best To Remove Coffee Stains From Your Teeth? Consulted 3rd January 2022